Oliver is a great and committed Engineer, She has been very resourceful to the many organization and guset What; She is the brain behind all our Programs and projects. Learn more about Oliver

Page Updated on Oct 12, 2022.       1st Published on Oct 12, 2022  

Project 1: Manage Users and Access Through AWS IAM Identity Center

The IT manager of your new organization wants that you make it easy for the organization workforce to access resources in multiple AWS accounts. The organization has five AWS accounts: a master account (called MasterAcct), two developer accounts (DevAccount1 and DevAccount2), and two production accounts (ProdAccount1 and ProdAccount2). The organization have been using IAM (Aws Identity and Access Management) to federate their workforce into accounts and business applications. Now, Management have decided to define federated access permissions for their users based on their group memberships in a single centralized directory. As a new admin, you are requested to implement this in your environments making show that everything is inline with security best practice .
Asya and Rayan who are developer have just join the organization and are expected to have full access to Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3 in the developer accounts (DevAccount1 and DevAccount2) and read-only access to EC2 and S3 resources in the production accounts (ProdAccount1 and ProdAccount2). How do you handle this.